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Shades Tints and Complimentary Colours
Demonstration Activities


Drop two colours into the mixer and press 'mix'




Drop the coloured slices into their correct places in the colour wheel




Colour Scheme Designer a colour wheel to demonstrate shades of colours




Complimentary Colour a short animation explaining the concept




Natural and Arbitrary Colour a short animation explaining the concept




Tints and Shades of Colour a short animation explaining the concept




Warm and Cool Colours a short animation explaining the concept




Warm and Cold Colours Part 2 how do these colours make you feel?




Warm and Cold Colours Part 4 how do these colours make you feel?


Practice Activities


Warm and Cold Colours Part 1 paint the picture with these colours




Warm and Cold Colours Part 3 paint the picture with these colours




Warm and Cold Colours Part 5 catch the coloured drops in the correct puddle


Extension Activities


Complimentary Colour an activity where learners can practise their skills



Natural and Arbitrary Colour an activity where learners can practise their skills



Tint Shade Colour an activity where learners can practise their skills



Warm Cool Colour an activity where learners can practise their skills

Testing Activities


Complimentary Colour an example for learners to test their understanding



Natural Arbitrary Colour an example for learners to test their understanding



Tints Shades Colour an example for learners to test their understanding



Warm Cool Colour an example for learners to test their understanding

See Also
Learning the Colours Mixing and Using colour Primary & Secondary Shades Tints Compliment
Colouring Pictures Colouring the Seasons    
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